3rd Grade
Parent Resources

Spiritual Focus

During your student’s school year, Victory Family Church will go in-depth in February on a biblical principle during services. This isn’t the only time they will learn about this topic. We are just emphasizing the principle during this period. The subject is determined based on their age, stage of development, and what’s culturally and socially relevant.

The Holy Spirit

By the third grade, students are all about having fun and doing what they like to do at the moment. We all want to have fun, but there are times in our walk with God when we need to put Him first and listen to the prompting of the Holy Spirit in our lives so that we can be blessed. We need to remind and work with students at this age to start taking some quiet time to read God’s Word and obey it so that the Holy Spirit can prompt them. At this stage, they begin to understand abstract concepts and that following a prompting isn’t always concrete. Diving deeper into who the Holy Spirit is, what He does, and how He can guide us will help them to cast fleshy desires aside and follow God’s Word.

Student Engagement

We want to walk alongside you with your students as they navigate their lives. These are resources and tools you can use with them!

Mental Health

At this stage, students start to learn how to empathize with others. They grow in this as they read stories and connect with characters and when they make friends. As they develop emotionally and socially, they will experience self-awareness, peer pressure, and labeling or putting themselves and others into categories. It is essential at this time to help support emotional health and social growth with mental health checks. You are the most significant influence on your student’s life. They need to know that you care.


Parenting Podcast

Small Group Recommendations

Search for small groups at the link below. Some suggestions include:

  • Essentials
  • Freedom
  • Parenting in a Digital World
  • Parenting on Purpose

* Please note – not all small groups available at all times

Parenting YouTube channels

Recommended Reading

Parenting Your Third Grader: A Guide to Making the Most of the “Sounds Like Fun!” Phase
Kristen Ivy and Reggie Joiner
Parenting your 3rd grader book cover
Ten Steps Toward Christ – Journey to the Heart of God
Jimmy Evans
10 Steps Toward Christ book cover
The Holy Spirit: An Introduction
John Bevere
The Holy Spirit: An Introduction book cover