Parent Resources

Spiritual Focus

Throughout the year, your child gets to know God during our services. As a parent, you are the most significant influence in your child’s life. We have provided some age-appropriate spiritual focuses you can teach your child at home. By doing this, you are instilling God’s Word in them and making it a priority in their life.

Respect for God and for Others

Above all, teach your child to respect and honor God by spending time with Him. Reverence for God and His Word directly influences every person’s self-concept and the way they treat others. Explain the “spiral principle,” which is the more respect your child shows to others, the more respect he or she will receive from others (Galatians 6:7 – 10). Live in such a way that you merit respect. Your child will treat you and other adults accordingly.

Child Engagement

We want to walk alongside you with your preschooler as they navigate their lives. These are resources and tools you can use with them!

Challenges and Correction

Your preschooler may resist trying new or hard things. They may try to take the easy way out when things get more challenging than they are used to. Please discuss with your child why climbing to the summit is always more complicated than coasting downhill. Explain that someday God will reward each Christian according to his or her good works. Please encourage your child to tackle complex assignments like breaking the challenging task into manageable pieces and always do their best!


Small Group Recommendations

Search for small groups at the link below. Some suggestions include:

  • Fearless Parenting
  • Mommy and Me Playgroup
  • Parenting in a Digital World
  • YANA
  • Apologetics for Moms
  • Parenting on Purpose
  • Raising Kingdom Kids
  • Supermoms
  • Fearless Parenting
  • Mommy and Me Playgroup
  • Parenting in a Digital World
  • YANA
  • Apologetics for Moms
  • Parenting on Purpose
  • Raising Kingdom Kids
  • Supermoms

* Please note – not all small groups available at all times

Recommended Reading

Praying Circles Around Your Children
Mark Batterson
Praying Circles around your Children book cover
The Strong-Willed Child: Birth Through Adolescence
Dr. James Dobson
The Strong-Willed Child book cover
Raising Grateful Kids in an Entitled World
Kristen Welch
Raising Grateful Kids book cover